Hiding From Wonder Woman

Hiding From Wonder Woman

I thought the women in  my life were strong.

I’ve grown up and I realize they were weak.  They were hiding.

The women in my life hid behind their men.  They hid behind convention.  They hid behind their faith. They hid behind the fear of all that could go wrong. They hid behind the shear act of existing.

And they taught me to do the same.

I’ve spent years of my life in hiding.  Not like witness protection hiding, where you are hiding because you are part of something bigger than yourself, but the kind of hiding where you’re fine never leaving a mark.  Never. Leaving. A. Mark.

When I was a little girl, I had a particularly strong affection for Wonder Woman and Princess Leia.  These were strong women. But they weren’t real.  They were fantasy and not something of this world. As much as I wanted to be Wonder Woman or Princess Leia, I was taught they were nothing more than fodder for dress-up.  They were who I could be when I was playing pretend. But for the real world – it was required I be a white-soled sneaker.

On the gym floor of life, I would never leave a mark.

Now, with half of my life behind me, I realize I’ve been wrong.

Wonder Woman and Princess Leia were the physical manifestations of the dreams of the collective girlhood of the 1970s in America.

Who didn’t want to fly an invisible plane? Who didn’t want to be a SPACE PRINCESS? No one. Duh.

But more importantly, who didn’t want to be significant somehow, in something that is right or good, or beautiful?

Girls of the 1970s realized maybe there was more. Maybe we could have actual dreams and not be outcasts for it. (Gasp. I know.  Startling, isn’t it.)

It took me awhile, but I’ve finally caught up. Now don’t get me wrong.  I’m not hoisting a late-unfurling flag of feminism.  That’s not who I am.  I have a deep affection for many of the things modern feminism doesn’t enjoy, BUT I can be Princess Leia.  I can wind my hair in thick buns over each ear and fight a good fight. I can be Wonder Woman, grab my golden lasso and stand up for truth. To emulate my heroes does not mean I’m playing at life.  It means I’m living it.  Living it with wind in my hair and the sun on my face.

Yes, the women in my life hid behind their men when they should have been standing beside them.  They hid behind convention when they should have been re-writing the rules.  They hid behind their faith when God never asked them to be less than what He made them to be. They hid behind the fear of all that could go wrong when risk brings reward. They hid behind the shear act of existing without ever living.

I’ve abandoned what I was taught. I’ve written a new story for myself. And I’ve written it with a sharpie marker for everyone to see and no one to erase. I’ve hid from Wonder Woman for far too long.

As for the invisible jet? Wouldn’t that make car pool more fun?

Pick A Lane

Pick A Lane

As a writer, I spend a lot of my time in coffee shops. I know it sounds cliché, but coffee shops are pretty great places to be. The coffee is never-ending. There’s usually bites that are not good for the hips but perfectly great for the soul. And if you put your earbuds in, you can pretend all the other people there, aren’t there at all.

This morning I wanted to get a few hours of writing in before I headed to my day job. It was supposed to be my day off, so I pushed it to the very last second, as I’m known to do. (inner rebel) Perhaps even a few minutes longer than I should have, while waiting for my go-cup of coffee.

I made my way to the parking lot. I found my car with ease. I got in, put it in reverse and zipped down the lane to the exit of the strip shopping center.

Brake lights.

I found myself behind a woman in a white SUV. Midsize. Rather new. I could see her reflection in her side view mirror. She looked coiffed. Put together.

But she didn’t seem to have a clue where she was going.

She looked to her left. She looked to her right. She looked forward.

She kept the car stopped and in one position, straddling both her lane and the lane of oncoming traffic. There was no room to maneuver around her.

At first I was frustrated.  I said to myself, “Not everyone is confused lady, some of us know where we’re going. Some of us even know how we want to get there.”

That’s when the similarities to the situation and writing came to mind. I am blessed to know many writers. And I know many people who want to be writers. But they’re just sitting still, straddling the lanes and looking around.

They don’t seem to know what to do.  They don’t seem to know where to go.

I consider myself one of the fortunate ones.  I have a prize in mind. And it’s not what you might think.

I want my stories read, my voice heard.

I want my voice out in the cosmos — as weak and feeble as my voice might sometimes be. I’m in my writing driver’s seat and I’ve chosen a lane.

I have a plan. I have a mind map. I have a calendar filled with goals and dates by which I want to achieve said goals. But I wasn’t always like this.

I was that woman, sitting in the car, not knowing where to go, for nearly all of my life.

I had a good professional life, which I set aside to be a mom and a caretaker for various family members who were gravely ill, some of whom have shuffled off this mortal coil.

But besides that, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I was forty-something, still wondering what I was going to do when I grow up.

I love to write. (and yes, I smiled when I wrote that)

I always have. Since I first set crayon to construction paper. But being a writer didn’t translate in my world. I didn’t know how to make writing a  career. I was caught up in the monetizing, legitimizing, confidence eroding elements of “being” a writer. My mind equated career with financial success. And it was ruining me.

Sometimes, I don’t know if I’ll ever make much more than a dime from this. I definitely recognize that the hours I put in versus the money I receive don’t really add up. No one would call me a success, well most people, anyway. And that’s ok, because I believe my riches are greater still than anything you can figure with a calculator.

I’m happy. I’m delighted. I’m overjoyed. And I’m humbled to be an artist.

I’m excited to finally lay claim to that which has pretty much been a part of my soul since the moment I could speak.

I AM A STORYTELLER by birth and a writer by trade.

As long as I keep telling my stories, creating new worlds and new people, something of me will exist when my physical self no longer wanders this plane. I will exist.

In the mist. In the ether. In the eternal.

Physically, in the now. And in the later.

We’re all either neck-deep in the muck, searching for our souls’ desires, or we are straddling the lanes, knowing not which way to go. But each of us hopes we might figure out what our soul’s desire might be.


Long before we draw our last breath.

Art is a dynasty. Even when the art is only for yourself.

Steven Pressfield wrote in Turning Pro, “What you and I are really seeking is our own voice, our own truth, our own authenticity.”

Whatever soul-searching venture the well coiffed, SUV driving lost soul, might be struggling with, I hope she finds what she needs. I hope she finds her way.

Dying in the Carpool Lane

Dying in the Carpool Lane

I’m a true foodie to my core, but I must admit, I really enjoy Chick-FIL-A breakfast biscuits with a crispy side of tots.

This morning, on the way to school I hit the drive through to get that yummy chick-fil-a breakfast before speeding off to the next school in my dreaded carpool lineup.

Finally, breakfast half eaten, I arrive at the last school of the morning. Eldest daughter is dropped off with goodbyes and I love you kisses and best wishes with confirmation of the time I’m expected back this afternoon. Now I can finish my breakfast while I navigate back to the house.

With my biscuit fully consumed, I have only a few tots left as I start to plow my way through the impatient sea of minivans and SUVs. Traffic slowing to a near standstill, I dip my tot into my tiny vat of chickfila sauce.

Then something happens. My years (like nearly 45 of them) of eating experience failed me. Rather than swallow that little chunk of sauce soaked potato, I inhale. Not in the eat fast way but in the “oh-my-God-I’ve-got-potato-in-my-lungs” way.

A fit of coughing, the likes of which I’ve not experienced before, overwhelms me. People behind me honk to speed up the line, which mind you was transitioning from stationary to snails’ pace. I try to scoot up, not letting my fellow carpoolers down, fully understanding my carpool exit strategy responsibilities. But, HELLO, I’m dying in here.

I continue to cough, wheeze, and gasp. Tears are streaming down my purple face. This is it.

With a phlegm filled hack I pound my chest and see stars, thinking I’m going to pass out. I cough so hard I’m sure I scared birds out of the trees and somehow misaligned newly forming planets. After all I was dying. I can be mildly irritating. The universe would give me a pass on that right?

Thoughts run through my head like “Who will pick up my kids?“and “Man, are the people behind me going to be pissed when I die and block their way out of here.”

Then the unthinkable happens.

With that last ginormous, raging hack I pee just a little. My thoughts are interrupted. “Did I just pee?”

My lungs still aching from lack of air, I convulsively cough again.

Did I just pee again?

By now I’m turning onto the main road. Mighty fine carpooler here. Now no one will be blocked in the driveway by my dead, urine soaked body.

I continue down the main road. Coughing. Peeing. Coughing. Peeing. All for another mile or so.

Wiping tears off my cheeks, it dawns on me. I don’t want to die in carpool covered in spit, phlegm, and pee with potato chunks and chickfila sauce stuck to my purple face.

I want to live! Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus! And you’re right Dorothy, there is no place like home. Damnit.

With a new lease on life and a serious debt owed to my guardian angel I’m off for a shower and an upholstery shampoo. Having used up a fair amount of today’s luck I really hope I don’t trip on the soap.

Dear Lord, Why Did You Make Cows So Delicious?

Dear Lord, Why Did You Make Cows So Delicious?

Dear Lord, why did you make cows so delicious?

Many people believe different things and I’m okay with that. I will, however, tell you now that I am a Christian and this particular blog entry is written from a Christian perspective. I never mean any offense. I’m writing from my heart.

There many things that given the chance, I would love to ask God. Among these are why do humans fight over stupid stuff? Why do dogs chase their tails? Why do kisses taste good? And why, oh why Lord, are cows so delicious? I wonder sometimes why humans are lucky or played depending on how you look at it because we get to truly enjoy your food my dogs are happy when you feed them but they never seem to take immense joy in their cable I watch nature shows and bears never seem overly excited to catch fish I guess we’ll sometimes look happy when they eat Beisel decided if it’s the food or the thrill of the hunt that makes them happy on and on I think appraisers catching the food in my picture and as happy as a human of her food have you ever seen someone who looks so happy and content to be at a buffet but there’s no such thing as restriction hockey see me around town? You know the person who doesn’t know that all you can eat isn’t meant as a dare me again food taste good

I wonder sometimes why humans are lucky,  depending on how you look at it, because we get to truly enjoy our food. My dogs are happy when I feed them, but they never seem to take immense joy in their dinner.  I watch nature shows and bears never seem overly excited to catch fish. I guess wolves sometimes look happy when they eat, but I haven’t decided if it’s the food or the thrill of the hunt that makes them happy.  On and on.  Have you ever seen someone who looks happy and content to be at a buffet where there’s no such thing as restriction? (That would be me.) You know, the person who doesn’t know that all you can eat isn’t meant as a dare? (Me again.)

Food tastes good, otherwise there be no Weight Watchers or Overeaters Anonymous. People wouldn’t be struggling. This along with other great things people get to enjoy like the smell of fresh air, soft babies, or the beautiful sound of a loved one’s sigh of contentment makes me believe cows and a multitude of other things are delicious because God wants us to have joy in life at every turn in a weird way this makes me even happier to be in Weight Watchers where you have less stress in eating. I am never deprived. Honestly, I’ve tried other programs and can’t believe I ever thought pre-packaged, sometimes powdered food replacement was ever a good idea. With a sense of what is good and wonderful in our lives, we need not deny ourselves the most basic life-sustaining forms of joy.

So my friend, watch your portions and track track track. AFterall, we are meant to enjoy food.  Or God wouldn’t have made cows so delicious.


A Future So Bright

A Future So Bright

A Future So Bright . . .

Awww, a little blue . . . My brother left today. I was lucky he decided to stay an extra day! However, I did miss my WW meeting and weigh in so I’ve got to reschedule for later this week.

Today we are a tired happy family — a family whose number increased by five over this weekend. You know how sometimes you will have a friend and your spouse or vice versa and it makes it more difficult to plan dates because you don’t want to force a yucky situation on your spouse. Often times that friendship will just fizzle out . . . Well, what are the chances that the four of us really loved the five of them? In most instances, probably not very high, but I must say it is exactly how it happened. We had a veritable family love fest. Ha!

Both of my children and my husband loved this new part of the family 00 and after talking with my brother this evening, it is pretty apparent his family feels the same about us. Yay! Wouldn’t it have been AWFUL if he thought I was a bore! Yikes!

Ahhhhh, this weekend was probably one of the best and most important I’ve had in years. I’ve been smiling all day!

I still can’t get over it. I laughed a ton — cried a little and felt loved the entire time. We NEVER MISSED A BEAT!!!

So here I am in week three of the WW program. During my time with WW my focus has shifted greatly. With the snow storms of the last couple of weeks, I was able to spend quite a bit of time on WW journaling, blogging and tracking. With careful calculation, I would track my points every day and plan out all of my meals.

Well, since Friday I have not obsessed over WW — AMAZING! (I’ve only obsessed about my brother — as you well know) I even found myself falling into a rhythm where I didn’t think about points and would only enter items into the tracker before bed although I was always conscious of where I stood point wise. I also tended to eat the bulk of my calories in the evening which is probably not the healthiest way to attack your day, but amazingly I staying on program. (The program was always at the back of my head steering me in the right direction.) This was the first time in my life I can remember going through an emotional even and not using food as a crutch, a balm, a reward or an escape. Could this be step one to becoming whole?

This weekend was a success on so many levels. I’m getting a foothold on my out of control eating. I’m bringing my family together. Heck, I even earned 54 (yep 54) activity points this week — even with company. All I can think is “My Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades” along with a slinky bikini someday VAVAVAVOOM 🙂

Lion of an Appetite

Lion of an Appetite

Lion of an Appetite . . .

Today my brother and I went to the zoo. I would never have imagined going to the zoo with him, let alone with our children. It was so fun and we were in total synch.

We had such a great time and truly enjoyed our time with our children. We learned so much about each other. Like the fact he is in his thirties and has never been on a carousel/merry-go-round. Or that I don’t like raw onions — I only want to eat them when they are cooked. Silly stuff really but the kind of stuff that fills all of the nooks and crannies — tiny vacant spaces nestled in your knowledge of someone. My picture of him is becoming more complete — therefore I am becoming more complete (and hopefully a little smaller too)

The program is starting to become more routine. I was surprised at how easy it was to stay on program. I packed an orange and a banana in my bag to snack on at the zoo I drank water instead of a soda from the snack pavilion.

The one thing I didn’t count on, was with all of the excitement and all of the time outside walking the expanse of our little version of the Serengeti, was the lion sized appetite I came home with.

I blew through an amazingly large number of points in one meal — dinner. I thought I was totally over budget. All in all, I only went 5 points over my daily points!

I FELT ravenous. Almost out of control hungry and even though I blew through so many points, the fact that I had stayed on program the rest of the day made this a day I don’t have to feel ashamed of. Of course, weigh in is tomorrow — oopsie)

Well, tomorrow starts a new week for me — week 3 on the program.


The Rest Is Up To Us . . .


The following is a post from my old blog which is now defunct . It is eons old, but I always liked it.  So it will live here now.


The Rest is Up to Us . . .


As many of you know, I haven’t seen my brother in ages. Did I tell you that sweet boy is a man now? Amazing!  I have been afraid of the “catching up” process and hoping we would still like each other after all these years.  He used to think I hung the moon, but I never did hang the moon.  I was worried about the real me competing with the old, faintly exaggerated memory of me.

He showed up this morning and suddenly I was hurled back to the 1970s.  I could see his white blond hair and bright blue eyes, green striped shirt and all the love, hope and admiration he used to show me when he would follow me, running in the tall grass in the field behind our grandparents’ house.  I was looking at a grown man and seeing the boy who had meant so much to me.  He is my BROTHER. Mine. Mine. Mine.

For some of you that might not mean much – you might have had your brother around so much that he made you crazy, or maybe you just didn’t click.  But this is MY BROTHER and that is a very big deal to me.  We never got to grow up together.  I was the product of a frantically passionate teenage marriage fraught with pain and infidelity.  My mom was 14 when she got pregnant with me. The marriage ended when I was quite young.  My brother was the product of our father’s second marriage, his mother and his upcoming birth the reason my dad left us.  This dynamic did not lend itself to happy family gatherings and as a matter of fact effort was made to keep us apart.

But some things you just can’t stop. Like the sun setting. Good byes from hurting.  And the pull between two kids given a bum rap from the start.

When I was a little older I moved away with my mom and my new dad to a whole new life far away. We drifted physical and emotional miles from each other and the hurt that comes with separation became like a neat little package you tie up with string and store some place private and dark. Secreted away in the deepest recesses of your heart.  What starts as a sharp, mind obliterating pain ebbs into just a dull, hollow echo of a life that is long past.

This morning he walked in my front door with his beautiful family and hugged me.

He said “Hey ya, sis.” and looked at me like I hung the moon.

I teared up, but I held it together.  I didn’t let myself cry.  I wanted to be the picture of happy (and believe me I was happy) but I was also pretty pissed off too.

How dare all the powers that be – my parents, his parents, hurt egos, offended pride, the he said/she said garbage that comes with the destruction of a family keep us away from each other for so long.

He seemed to know what I was thinking.  He said he had given it a lot of thought over the years and he was glad things worked out the way they did and that he has no regrets.

“It made us who we are, Leah, and we both survived.  No, we both thrived.” He grinned. “And we’re not that damaged.”

I hugged him.  We are strong and we can recognize BS before it gets on our shoes.  We know what real love is.  And we let love win.

As far as he was concerned we had simply hit “pause” and are now back, full-swing.  All the love that was there from before is bubbling back like a dry river bed suddenly awash with new life.

Every night, as I come here to talk about my day I am happy, but tonight I am more than happy.  It is a feeling I can’t even put into words.  I feel like an old mama dog who won’t rest until all of her pups are accounted for.  It is like I have been counting and coming up short for so much of my life but now the numbers are finally right.  I just can’t explain it.

I sit here in peace.  Content.  Today was a big step in healing old wounds.  It just goes to show our past isn’t the end all be all of our lives.  We actually have a say in how things go from here on out.  The rest really is up to us.

The Speed of Light

The Speed of Light

The Speed of Light

My baby brother is coming to town. I am excited to see him and his wonderful family. (His son is pictured with me in the blog pic — about 12 years ago)

I’ve only seen my brother twice in the last 25 years or so. It blows m mind when I think of that. Time doesn’t just fly, it zooms by so fast I can only barely comprehend it — it is as fast as the speed of light.

I think it is the “lightspeed” at which time zooms past us that has me at WW. My health was something I was going to see to when I had time. Well, realistically, when do we ever have time? I mean, it took what seems like no time at all to gain over 100 pounds.

Health isn’t something you see to in your spare time. You need to make it a vital part of your life. We live in a country with wealth to spare. Our children are afforded opportunities other children dream of — but I can’t recall anyone ever impressing upon me the vital, absolutely imperative need to protect my health. Duh.

We had gym class, health class and for those of us who are a little older, home ed. But no one told us how it really is when you are seriously overweight and unhealthy.

No one ever told me how hard it would be for me to tie my shoes or paint my toenails — or how or how hard it would be to get up and down off the floor. No one said it would make sitting in small theater seats uncomfortable or make travel almost unbearable. Nobody said it would be harder to be taken seriously in many areas. No one said it would be extra hard to look good in clothes. No one said I’d miss out on fun stuff with my children because I’m just too tired. No one said my children would never get to go to a water park because mommy was too embarrassed;

I’ve missed out on some great things — now don’t get me wrong, I have a wonderful life and I love every minute of it most days. I just wish I had had the sense, when I was young, to preserve my health.

Of course, on the flip side, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet all of you.

Excuse Me While I Eat This

Excuse Me While I Eat This

Exklks mwe wfile y edw tski” she said with her mouth full.

Most simply — excuse me while I eat this” is the translation.

More deeply the translation is Excuse me while I stuff this in my mouth because I’ve had an awful day”.

I used all of my daily points today and dipped into my extra points and used five. Seriously five. Remember that box of candy I was given early in the week in the teacher’s lounge? Well, lets just say I tested it — a sort of quality control if you will. All in all, it is amazing that I only used five extra points.

I woke up this morning and one of my dogs had been sick in the night. He vomited and had diarrhea in my living room. I was totally disgusted and did not have the extra time to clean it up so that pushed me behind. (and yes, of course, I cleaned it up.) Also, we’ve had snow days the last two weeks. It has been very cold. I went out to my car and found that I was nearly out of gas and getting gas would make me even later so I coasted into work on fumes. I got to work and the heat wasn’t working in my wing of the building. Yay. I get to teach with my coat on. The internet connection was down so the video I was going to show my 20th-century American history kids wouldn’t play on my computer. We ended up watching it on my phone. Luckily it was short, only about 2 minutes.

Then I had an encounter with the emotional mom of one of my Roman History students. She was waiting outside my classroom. Her son is failing. It is a shame, but he won’t listen. He refuses to do homework and acts out every single class day. He had the gall to tell his mom that his low grade (38) is because I don’t teach. The most incredible thing is that he actually persuaded her that this is true. I pointed out that he is the only one of my students failing, because even those who have trouble are willing to work hard to complete the extra credit I offer. I understand that Roman history is not everyone’s first love but it is a fascinating subject if you give it half a chance. He gives it no chance and I have bent over backward to help him and he refuses to be helped.

Well, I stayed calm and talked to her about his options, but this was just one more thing — the straw that broke the camel’s back. Now I think it will all work out in the end, but I hate that I had to defend myself when I had done nothing wrong. Of course, it was all made worse by the fact I am starting my period in a day or so and I’m irrationally sensitive at that time anyway and I’m expecting a house full of people all weekend and I haven’t cleaned my house yet (except for the mess the dog made.)

So I buried my frustration in a chocolate caramel nut piece of candy. Normally it wouldn’t have been a big deal because I love saving enough points to cover a dessert. It makes me feel like I’ve finished the day’s worth of food. It is the sort of ritual that helps me turn off cravings later in the night. But out of frustration I over-indulged in dinner and had three, count them 1, 2, 3 fish tacos and a beer so there wasn’t really any wiggle room. And I was saving the extra points for a family reunion this weekend where BBQ will be served. Mmm

Now I know it isn’t the end of the world. I know tomorrow will be a better day and that I will do better — but it IS alarming that I can get so easily flustered. Hormones shouldn’t make me lose my sense of purpose and focus, nor should a sick dog, a car with no gas, being late for work, an unheated classroom and an emotional mom who is scared for her child’s education, a dirty house and company in route as we speak.

My goal now is to become healthy. Thin is just a nice side effect of a healthier me. This is something that should always be in the front of my mind. I can’t lose sight of it because I want to be around to see my children grow up. Being overweight by significantly more than 100 pounds limits my future and I swear my future is worth preserving.

So here is to WW and staying on program. I wish us all a successful day tomorrow…
